Race Relations 2015: Let's Talk Solutions

"Greed has exceeded the need to take care of the people in this country" -Eddie Griffin. In response I was inspired by the words of the wise comedian, Eddie Griffin, this morning as I watched THIS VIDEO about the Baltimore riots following death of Freddie Gray. Freddie Gray was a 25-year-old, black man who died of a spinal injury that he sustained in police custody last week.

Everyone is now focused on the outrage and the riots, but they are a a result, an effect. We need to focus on the CAUSE. Everyone is not getting a fair shake.
-Public schools are overcrowded with too few resources.
-Nutritious, fresh food costs too much.
-The focus is on lowering health insurance costs when the focus should be on lowering the cost of healthcare and pharmaceuticals.
-The access to imaginary means by way of Credit pacifies and shackles the poor at the same time.
-There is not an openly direct line of communication between citizens and legislation. AND DON'T GET ME STARTED ON GERRYMANDERING!

At this point, the revolution needs to be solution oriented. We need to point and shoot, not spray and pray!

Does anyone else have any suggestions? Where we we start 'merica?

Kristen JeterComment